modbros / tech
Beta9 features a lot of bug fixes and improvements. Here you can find a list of what has changed in the new version of MoBro:
- Theme customization window now matches the regular UI of the app
- General small UI improvements for the theme customization
- Adapt to Device Screen Resolution
If an external device like the raspberry pi or your android phone exposes the resolution (which it does if you use our ModBros App and Raspberry Pi Image) then you can easily adapt to that resolution with a new button in the theme customization - Zoom in theme customization
If your external devices resolution is to big or to small you can now zoom in the theme customization.
- Fixed Memory Leak
With the help of you guys, we could get rid of a nasty memory leak in external libraries that we use (Open- and Libre Hardware Monitor) - Fixed Overshoot in Theme Customization
If your layout was to big for the theme customization window, it won't overlay the widget sidebar anymore, but give you the possibility to scroll - Fixed issue with coordinates in dubbadhar theme not working
- Fixed random crashes for color select
- Do not show sources with no data for channels