Accessing config.txt

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Im brand new to rpi. Im trying to edit the config.txt and other things on the rpi, and all info i see online says to just boot it and a desktop pops up. Obviously with the custom modbros image on the sd, that never comes up. Is there a way to get to the “home screen” directly on the pi and make edits or do i have to put the sd card into my pc and edit the files from there? when i do, it says i dont have permission to save to it, and the sd pops up as 2 drives, one of which are unformatted. Not sure how to proceed and online research hasnt really helped me. THanks for helping!

Replies 1 - 3 (3)

Hi @joshrep 

Yes, our custom image doesn't show a desktop, because we stripped away everything that isn't required and so a desktop environment is simply not installed ;)

You can simply connect via SSH once you went through configuration and the Raspberry Pi is connected to your network.
Username and password are both simply ‘modbros’

Just out of curiosity:
What do you need to change in the config.txt?

@Seraksab thanks for the help. Just trying to flip the screen 180 due to how I have the mounting setup in my case.

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