Is there any way to change the brightness/backlight?

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Love this project, but I'm finding the 3.5" LCD I have in my GPIO port is way too bright.

Is there any way I can possibly change this via SSH or something?

Any advice would be great thanks :)

Replies 1 - 5 (5)

Hi Enigma

Since you're connected via GPIO there is no general answer here.
How you can change the brightness (or whether it's possible at all) depends on the specific display you're using.

Could you share a link to your display?

Hi, thanks for the quick reply. Honestly I have no memory of where I bought it from. Is there some command I can type in to SSH that will tell me? I know it's 3.5" and was probably the cheapest one I could find.

I know it's 320x480 if that helps?

you should be able to change it from one of the xorg .conf files, I can't remember which one specifically


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