Raspi freezes after hours of no use

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Hi guys,

I've noticed a little problem. When I switch off my PC and the RASPI doesn't get any data from the MOBRO app for a while, the Raspi application hangs up somehow. The Raspi will show me that it is searching for the MOBRO application on the PC or the PC on the network. And nothing else happens. In the Windows application, I also see the device under DEVICES. Even if I change the theme there so that the RASPI performs a refresh, nothing happens. Via SSH I can login to the Raspi and the PING in the network works fine. The only thing that helps me every time is a reboot of the Raspi, which of course is really annoying in the long run. Maybe someone has an idea?


Replies 1 - 11 (11)

Hi @pad 

We just updated the Raspberry Pi image, you can download the new version here.
Could you please update to that version and test if that fixes the issue or if it still occurs in the new version?



iam already testing. one thing i already mentioned has something to do with the new wizard. we now have the opportunity to let the raspi search for the mobro desktop app over name or over static ip. when i choose static ip its not working for me he doesn't recognize the PC application. it only works with name.

a 2nd thing i have is: in the desktop app under devices the raspi is showed at least twice. i mentioned these at the releases before, too. are you already aware of it?

Thanks for testing.
I'll look into the static ip setting again to check if its working correctly.

What do you exactly mean by “at least twice”?
Is it sometimes shown even more than 2 times?
And is this always the case? Does the second one go away if you just wait a minute?


I just updated the image again.
The static IP setting should no work as intended.

I also identified and fixed another issue that may have caused the service on the Raspberry Pi to hang up, like you mentioned.


wth is going on. Just see the screenshot:



i'll try your last update now. the update before is working good so far. no more freezing after hours of no use.

@Seraksab its not getting better. now i see the raspberry 34 times in the mobo desktop app…

That's really weird. I never had that happen with my Raspberry Pis.

Could you open '<IP-OF-RASPBERRY>/log' in a browser the next time this happens and send us the log file that is returned.
Either per mail to or in discord, so I can have a look at what's going on there.

Also is your Pi connected by ethernet or wifi?

@Seraksab its an wifi connectin but with a static IP managed over my dhcp server.

by the way: your discord link is not working.


it says that this one is not valid anymore.


So I just had a look at the log file you sent.
This log file is from v9 of the image right?

every time you disconnect (e.g. because your PC is shut down) the service will stop the running chromium instance and open up a new one once there is a new connection (e.g. when you turn your PC back on)

in v9 there's an issue with stopping these instances. so every time you reconnect, a new instance of chromium is started, but the prior one wasn't closed. that's most likely the cause of your many connections

this should already be fixed with v10
so could you please try to update to that to check if it happens again?

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