Turn off backlight automatically

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I have my Modbros up and running with a custom case and a power on/off button, but the freaking backlight won't turn off without cutting the power. Is it possible to install a script that can turn off the backlight when the Pi powers down? :)

Replies 1 - 5 (5)

Turning off the backlight involves turning off the power. Usually the following command does the trick;

 vcgencmd display_power 0 /  vcgencmd display_power 1

0 = off state and 1 = on state

if you have a case with a button you can probably modify the script that runs the shutdown command to turn the backlight off using the above command.


Not sure on your mileage but that works for me

Thank you. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work with my screen. I just get: "VCHI initialization failed".

make sure the user your attempting to run the command / script is part of the "video" group

Thanks, but i'm unsure about what you mean, unfortunately. I'm not that Strong in Rpi and coding in general ?

Got the user added to the video group. Unfortunately no luck. It doesn't respond to the codes. But thank you so much for you time and help.

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