Settings Page

Configure the MoBro Windows application


In the settings tab you can configure the MoBro Windows application itself.

Some of the features you can customize:

  • Set the application to start minimized in tray
  • You can configure the network name of your external devices, the default name is mobro
  • You can switch your preferred temperature unit between Fahrenheit or Celcius 
  • You can set the threshold for the component's temperature values

You can also check if the inbound and outbound rule is installed.
Installing that rule might help you if an external device, such as a Raspberry Pi or Android phone, cannot find the MoBro Desktop Application.

At the top you can see the current version you have installed.
We also included links to our website if you have further questions or feedback. Also a link to our YouTube channel is included so you can easily keep up with our videos. 

If you want to support us even more you can donate via Paypal. Thanks! :D


MoBro Settings Page in v.1.0.0-beta1



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