Astern - A new theme

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in Themes .
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Hey everyone! 

I have been working on a theme I named Astern.
My goal was to make it fast and efficient and not too resource heavy but still be pretty :) .

Right now it only has about 15% usage for a raspberry pi3


It is still a WIP but most planned features are there: 

Cpu temp, core clock, usage 
Gpu temp, core clock, usage, vram usage
RAM usage

Feel free to try it:  https://dbaker85.github.io/astern/
If you find any bugs or issues, feel free to open a bug on github.
Feature requests are also welcome

Let me know what you guys think.

Replies 101 - 103 (103)

I couldn't seem to find a way to use the old MoBro “Themes” on the new Monitor Bro application. 😢

So I decided to make my own Monitor Bro “Dashboard Config” using the new application. (Picture below)

It is WAY less advanced then the Astern “Theme”, but was heavily inspired by the color pallet and style.

I just wanted to say:

@dbaka85 Thank you, I used your theme flawlessly for years across multiple builds, screens, and orientations. 🙏


Mr. Mod

I couldn't seem to find a way to use the old MoBro “Themes” on the new Monitor Bro application. 😢

So I decided to make my own Monitor Bro “Dashboard Config” using the new application. (Picture below)

It is WAY less advanced then the Astern “Theme”, but was heavily inspired by the color pallet and style.

I just wanted to say:

@dbaka85 Thank you, I used your theme flawlessly for years across multiple builds, screens, and orientations. 🙏

Need a download link! same with me - new MoBro but no astern left :( Thank you

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