General Discussion
FEATURE REQUEST 0 Multiple WiFi-Networks
Hi I love your project! However im am looking for a feature that may or may not already exist. That is multiple WiFi-Networks. I quite frequently move my PC ...
by Joghurt 1 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 I'm having some trouble
hiI've been using the mobro on my raspberry pi for over a year now and it was working goodbut recently the screen started kinda to flicker i don't know ...
by ihussain13 1 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 data sources for my TrippLite PowerAlert UPS monitoring.
Howdy all!I use TrippLite PowerAlert for my UPS management and monitoring. I was wondering if anyone has been able to get MoBro to see their UPS monitoring?Their is a nice ...
by Sauron2112 0 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Best way to display on a PC Monitor
Having a play with this and wanted to put it on a monitor that is part of my PC rather than a PI. Is there a good way ...
by tre4b 0 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Getting FPS to work
Good day to all.I am having an issue when trying to get FPS top work.I have followed what a couple of people have suggested but no luck.The issue I ...
by Frogz 0 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Any way to control brightness? Element14 7" touchscreen + RasPi 3B
First off this app is slick. I got the screen several months ago and just today found some time to get it working with an old RasPi3B I had ...
by CoolHandMike 0 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Screen compatibility
Hi guys I am about to buy my first Raspberry pi to display my CPU and GPU temperature.I wanted to show this on a small display (128x32 px GPIO) ...
by TaRa 2 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 rpi zero + lcd power via computer usb?
hey mates Is it possible to power my rpi + lcd with the USB port from the computer so that it always goes on and off with the computer?best regards
by weezybaby307 0 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 1 Dual PC setup (Ethernet only), Two ModBros Monitors (Wifi)
I'm a stranger to how networking works. But basically my home has wireless networks and my gaming room has two PCs that are connected directly to my ISP's router. ...
by RasterCaster 3 replies 1 -
DISCUSSION 0 New Dubahar runs slow or crashes.
I had been running dubahar on my pi 3 in a 7-inch touchscreen for about a year. I recently picked up another monitor and moved the setup into a ...
by Nephril 2 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Problem connecting raspberry to the wifi network
Hello everyone. I followed the installation procedure of the modbros program and the installation of the image on the raspberry.I configured the raspberry following the guide. My problem is ...
by Adriano_68 1 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Monitor more than 1 PC?
Hi This might be more a feature request than a question.I have the ModBros desktop app on 2 Windows PCs (1 for work 1 for home). And I have ...
by brewbag -
FEATURE REQUEST 0 Search field for our Forum
Please is there a way to put a Search function in the Forum?If there is one I don't see it anywhere.
by Zillomab 0 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 3 NEW Community Theme!
You want to be part of our very first community theme? Then this is the right place to be! Here you can post your awesome ideas but before doing ...
by Dave -
DISCUSSION 2 Builds with Screens
Post your builds with screens to give inspiration to others
by Fergie1980 12 replies 2 -
DISCUSSION 0 Using a Pimoroni HyperPixel 4.0 Screen?
Hey Everyone I'm new here and trying to setup my first MoBro using a Pi3 B+ and a Pimoroni HyperPixel 4.0 display. I cant seem to get the ...
by Winteriscoming18 10 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Having issues trying to connect to
Well I’m new to raspberry everytime I try to connect it just says it took too long to connect. I have tried phones pc etc. But evrytime i have ...
by Chilled 3 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Scanning on screen
When I plug the raspberry pi zero into the waveshare 5inch screen I just getting a scanning white screen. When I plug the raspberry pi into my computer monitor ...
by jarthurd 1 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 1 Thank you!
Just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work!It was a fun project getting it all to work- but I am very happy with the result.I may end ...
by KTM 1 replies 1 -
QUESTION 0 Changelog available?
Hi it's me again.I was just wondering after noticing my RPI has updated to run a newer version of the wizard.Is there a changelog available somewhere? I'd like to ...
by Bobtb 1 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Possible to connect RaPi ModBro to PC directly using Ethernet cable ?
Hi .. My Mobro is slowing down my WLAN connection. Is it possible to connect the RaPi Modbro directly to the my PC with ethernet cable ? all the ...
by mhdamro 2 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Over Bluetooth
So is it possible to set this up over Bluetooth? Was originally thinking about having it over USB and Im following the other thread but then I thought about ...
by Makipsee 2 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Also utilising the pi to control audio and lighting
As my username suggests I am a total amateur at the moment but I have a cool idea for a project to help me learn. My coding skills are ...
by Ambitious_Amateur 0 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 How does MoBro Work?
I'm about to buy a new TFT screen (probably about 3.5 inches). Ideally it would be great if I could find a cheap one on Amazon that did NOT ...
by Arvo Bowen III 6 replies 0