MoBro Desktop App
DISCUSSION 0 Cannot install Mobro Service
Hello i have tried many times to install and reinstall the app but looks like the service could not be installed on my system and i dont' understand why.When ...
by blast 1 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 1 Desktop app not running properly
hello I just formatted my pc and went ahead reinstalling Mobro. As soon as I install it it run just fine and communicate properly with my raspberry but as ...
by FrankieP 4 replies 1 -
DISCUSSION 1 A little hack for HWInfo unlimited shared memory
The 32 bit version has unlimited shared memory but the only way I could make it “installed” is:Install normal HWInfo64Download portable HWInfo zipOpen the C:\Program Files\HWInfoRename the HWInfo64.exe to ...
by Dima 1 replies 1 -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 Dashboard problem
After installation to the 0.0.22 i can't install the default dashboard no Althern Fallout etc what should i do to fix this.
by Regent Lemay 1 replies 0 -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 Can't get CPU temp to display?
Hi I have been using MoBro for a few months on my desktop computer to monitor temps and it has worked really well however I have recently built a ...
by Luke 1 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Old version download
Is there a place to download the old versions of the Windows App? I have a customized theme that does not work on the new version.
by AndrewAj1 10 replies 0 -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 Membership
Desktop app not recognising my membership and reports me as a free member hence not allowing me to use any of the premium features
by Haythum -
QUESTION 0 Libre Hardware Monitor - AMD GPU
Hello I've made my first steps with MoBro - works perfect.Only thing is the GPU Package (Watt) Metric from Libre Hardware Monitor isn't working for my AMD RX 7900 ...
by Jarvis Stark 0 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Mobro Standalone Install on Existing RPi Woes
Hey guys.Using the RPi image you provide it seems to work great although wastes the rest of the use of an existing Pi which I would rather avoid. Initially ...
by Brittle73 4 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Connect via USB stopped working, IP keeps resetting
Hi! I've had a zero w in my pc for over a year or so running over usb with no issues. a while ago I had to re-install windows ...
by R.wilko31 1 replies 0 -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 App MoBro v0.0.20 - MoBro Service Not Working
Hello guys today I just installed mobro app downloading from web and executing with admin privileges I got mobro service always marked as uninistalled and clicking on install start ...
by Lou 0 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 after av-buffer_create error i reinstalled modbros and it doesn't work
So I noticed the modbros service running on my computer but when I tried opening it nothing happened. I tried updating and I kept getting a av-buffer-create error cause ...
by Knox -
DISCUSSION 0 Avast Blocked a vulnerable driver
So Avast says that it has blocked a Vulnerable driver every time I run the Windows app Avast says that “ The driver tmpffbb.tmp has been blocked due to ...
by Gravitron216 0 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Disable HDD monitoring?
Is there a way to disable HDD monitoring? Some monitoring software have a toggle for HDD monitoring. Because monitoring HDD temps causes some HDD to park the heads at ...
by KNP 0 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Need a fresh set of eyes to help with bridging these connections to find each other.
I keep getting the error that my pc couldn't be found. Both are on the same network same names in network settings and all that. The Rasp Pi that ...
by infamousrob -
QUESTION 0 1440x1440 resolution monitor
I have a little 1440x1440 display to run with MB/rpi4. I don't see an option in the config settings for this resolution or to make a custom resolution. How ...
by PRiCK 2 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Cannot update - certificate error
Apparently the desktop app cannot check for updates due to a certificate error assuming I am reading the log correctly.Anyone know how to correct that issue? Line date process ...
by trumpy81 0 replies 0 -
REPORT AN ISSUE 1 Sensor data from Aida64 not detected
Hello everyone I have a strange problem with the integration of aida64. It has always worked for at least 6 months but now if I look in the settings of ...
by Michael Palmeri 3 replies 1 -
The source HWiNFO seems to be missing. Please install it to get even more data to monitor!I've already installed HWiNFO and rebooted. Any idea why it doesn't recognize the ...
by swears 2 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 Default SSH Credentials
Hi can someone please share the default SSH Credentials? Thanks.
by swears 2 replies 0 -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 Connection issue
Having an issue where I can't see anything on my Pi screen or in the android app. Everything was working fine just yesterday and nothing has changed but when ...
by Gagep 0 replies 0 -
I've been excited about the new app since work was announced. Any news? I will gladly become a patreon if it would help!
by Nate R 1 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Icon meaning Theme Astern v1.0.0
Hey Recently i started noticing this yellow symbol appearing and disappearing every couple seconds anyone know what it means? Also it's not counting how much VRAM it has i've checked ...
by Faria 2 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 Gifs no longer working?
Hey guys I havent used my mobro stuff in a while but now i wanted to start using it again. However i cant get gifs to work anymore? And ...
by massive_E 4 replies 0 -
QUESTION 0 MoBro not recognizing my HWiNFO installation
As you can see in the title my MoBro doesn't recognize my HWiNFO installation on my computer. How do I fix it?
by rqffael 5 replies 0 -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 Can t show the cpu temp
Mobro can't load or find my cpu temps can someone have the same issue?z490 // i5 11600k
by Evernest -
QUESTION 0 CPU load - Accurate readout??
HelloThe MoBro app is really great and I use it mostly for CPU temperature which is a success. Re the CPU Load that is far from accurate. It is ...
by DavidTango 3 replies 0 -
DISCUSSION 0 No Sensor Data, Windows 11
I can't get the desktop app to display any sensor data. What should I do?
by John2418 2 replies 0 -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 Temp from HWInfo64 includes Å when displaying in C
Any temperature reading from HWInfo64 displayed with Å on both desktop and mobile.here is an example:
by Dima 4 replies 0