MoBro Desktop App
DISCUSSION 2 Open Source Desktop App?
Hello Bros I really like the software and appreciate what you're doing.Would it be possible or is it in the playbook to open source the desktop app?I would like ...
by deathofarocker 1 replies 2Seraksab3 years -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 Compatibility issue with HWiNFO v7.0.0
So yes had the prompt to update HWiNFO which I use to accurately get data on my GPU. MoBro can no longer see it. Downgrade of HWiNFO fixes this.
by Campblor 8 replies 0Seraksab3 years -
DISCUSSION 0 Memory Leak in ModBors Monitoring Service
Just curious if you are aware that you have a memory leak in this service. It starts with 36MB of memory used once it has been running a day ...
by Rizlah 118 replies 0Ryoohki3603 years -
QUESTION 0 Settings disappearing windows app
I just started using this software and have run into an issue after trying out the default themes I have somehow lost the settings options for most of the ...
by EAHendrix 2 replies 0EAHendrix3 years -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 app wont install
i have been using the app for a while i reported the memory leak issue and when you found a fix for this i installed the fix. this all ...
by Rizlah 1 replies 0Rizlah3 years -
QUESTION 0 Accessing localhost:42100 on another device.
So as the title states. I would like to know if it’s possible to access http://localhost:42100 from any other device connected on the same wifi network via web browser. ...
by Xenofiber 2 replies 0Xenofiber3 years -
1 week ago I noticed that my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B screen was displaying the following error:Aw Snap! Something went wrong while displaying the web page.This is ...
by Bob NZ 1 replies 1Dave3 years -
are you aware that modbros does not support hwinfo 7 for some reason they must have changed the api in some way
by Rizlah 3 replies 0Rizlah3 years -
DISCUSSION 0 Unable to get Vram Total
Hi all Love the app and really enjoying it. Even modified Dubbadhar to a star wars theme. But since I installed a new video card (I went from a ...
by mhuston619 11 replies 0Seraksab3 years -
QUESTION 0 Possible to adjust the time a history graph covers?
Evening all.I am using the desktop app paired with a Raspberry Pi 4b (1.0.0-beta7 and the latest Pi image).Is there a way to adjust the length of time displayed ...
by theravenclaw44 0 replies 0theravenclaw443 years -
FEATURE REQUEST 0 Adding a clock option.
I use the Modbros app with a RaspPi and adding a Clock while the device is on would be very nice. I know there's one when the server app ...
by Ryoohki360 1 replies 0GhosTz3 years -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 ModBro app Win10 doesn't allow PC to sleep
Whenever I start the program it spawns a bunch of processes and one of them never closes properly when exiting - and keeps active resulting in the PC not ...
by Matti 2 replies 0Matti3 years -
QUESTION 0 Unable to locate MoBro PC application
I unplugged my pc for routine cleaning yesterday and have since had no connection to the application. I have had my firewall set to allow MoBros (dot)exe application on ...
by dylpernicus 2 replies 0dylpernicus3 years -
QUESTION 0 Lock app on window.
Hi I wanted to ask if anyone know how to lock the app to a monitor screen so when the pc starts it will display on the screen selected ...
by Maskmonkey 1 replies 0Dave3 years -
FEATURE REQUEST 0 [Network Widget] Converting Bytes per second to Mbps or other formats
Hello Love this neat app! I have some network monitoring setup and I noticed that it only displays bytes per second information. Would it be possible for the widget ...
by Benson 4 replies 0Zolive3 years -
DISCUSSION 0 CPU Load not always correct
Hello I notice that the CPU load on Mobro on my Surface Book 3 is almost always incorrect. There is no real pattern that I can see. Sometimes Mobro reports ...
by DavidTango 5 replies 0DavidTango3 years -
Hello I tried to use the application but run into this issue… no matter what I do it wont show any data and just show this message “MODBROS MONITORING ...
by digaus 3 replies 0Seraksab3 years -
DISCUSSION 0 T sensor value incorrect
I am only monitoring temps.. CPU. GPU. and Water T sensor the water T sensor is available from HWinfo but the value shown on modbro program is different then ...
by mattv 8 replies 0Seraksab3 years -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 Wrong GPU name on Browser
Hello i configured mobro desktop app all is working perfectly but on remote browser it show a wrong GPU name.I have a i7-4770 CPU with HD Graphics 4600 integrated ...
by Mindgap_ 3 replies 0Dave3 years -
DISCUSSION 0 [BUG Report] Beta6 Raspberry Dashboard not updating
I expirience yet another strange behavior. Using the Default theme (not tested on others) - when i reboot my system (and with that also the raspberry) the dashboard will ...
by Naetschie 10 replies 0Dave3 years -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 Everything works... Except...
When I shut my machine down yesterday I ticked the radio button on the desktop app settings to minimize window on start up. Now I can see the app ...
by Mac 4 replies 0Dave3 years -
REPORT AN ISSUE 1 MoBro Windows app cannot update
Getting lots of logfiles with only these errors:{"message":"Could not check for updates.Request failed with status code 404" "stack":"Error: Request failed with status code 404\n at createError (C:\\Users\\User\\AppData\\Local\\MoBro\\app-1.0.0-beta5\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\axios\\lib\\core\\createError.js:48:15)\n at settle ...
by Bobtb 2 replies 1Dave3 years -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 problema schermo
come modifica l'orientamento dello schermo
by stp1984 1 replies 0Dave3 years -
Hi I've been getting this message “MODBROS MONITORING SERVICE NOT RUNNING” since I've installed the software on my PC restarted the system as I still same checked the services.msc ...
by Vil'Sa 6 replies 0Vil'Sa3 years -
REPORT AN ISSUE 0 General_Processor_Temperature Unavailable with Open Hardware and Libre
Hello ModBros - Amazing app btw. Thank you so much for building it! Installed and worked flawlessly with the exception of CPU Temp monitoring. I can monitor CPU temp after installing ...
by stevew 1 replies 0Seraksab3 years -
DISCUSSION 0 CPU temperatures and clock not displaying correctly
Hey Recreating a thread for easiness. ModBro cannot read the CPU temp and clock values from OpenHardware monitor although they are displayed correctly on the latter. Any idea on ...
by PixAndCo 2 replies 0PixAndCo3 years -
QUESTION 0 Issues with CPU temperatures
I'm having an issue where my CPU temperature can't be displayed. All I'm seeing is an error message stating “value is not available maybe you are missing a dependency”.I've ...
by ThatTechGuy 7 replies 0OldRichie3 years -
QUESTION 0 Legal info
Hello ModBros! Thank you for your great work! I've got a question: what are the terms of service and privacy policy for the windows app? It seems like there is no ...
by bessgeor 1 replies 0Seraksab4 years -
FEATURE REQUEST 0 Display to turn off when PC is put into sleep mode or shut down
Hi Want to first say how great the ModBro app is; very easy to setup and run thanks to great instructions and execution with the software thanks!I should mention ...
by Anthony M 9 replies 0Sean4 years -
DISCUSSION 0 Nothing updates on dashboard
Hi Team Wondering if anyone could assist me perhaps im doing it incorrectly but nothing I update in the dashboard actually reflects on the display. That being either on ...
by foxtrot989 3 replies 0foxtrot9894 years